

Regulärer Preis $140.00
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The RacksBrax XD Hitch is designed to permit the fast release or fast loading of wing style awnings with vertically spaced mounting points in the range of 100mm to 120mm. A number of awnings do not fit this requirement including the Destination4WD D270 wing awning. The XD Hitch in combination with the XD Destination Adaptor enables the Destination4WD D270 Awning to be fitted to the quick release XD Hitch.

The XD Destination Adaptor 9118 is supplied as a double kit (pair) and requires an XD Hitch (DOUBLE) 9000 to enable the quick release.
Note that the XD Hitch does not fit to the Destination4WD brackets. RacksBrax recommend the RacksBrax XD Adjustable Bracket (DOUBLE) 9102 for this. For more information refer to these links.

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XD Destination Adaptor Dimensions of Forward Adaptor

XD Destination Adaptor Dimensions of Rear Adaptor

How many XD Hitches/XD Destination Adaptors?

Racksbrax XD Hitches and the
XD Destination Adaptors are sold as separate products.

The Destination Awning require 2 brackets, 2 XD Hitches and 2 XD Destination Adaptors (Forward Adaptor and a slightly different Rear Adaptor).

The latter is sold as a matched pair.

Why an XD Destination Adaptor?

The RacksBrax XD Hitch is designed
to permit the fast release or fast loading of wing style awnings with vertically spaced mounting points in the range of 100mm to 120mm. A number of awnings do not fit this requirement including the Destination 4WD D270 awning.

The XD Hitch, in combination with the XD Destination Adaptor (DOUBLE) 9118, enables this awning’s unique mounting points and M10 (4 No) fasteners (rear) and M8 (4 No) fasteners (forward) to be fitted to the XD Hitch.

Note that the XD Hitch does NOT fit to the Destination 4WD brackets. RacksBrax recommend the RacksBrax XD Adjustable Bracket Range (DOUBLE) and NOT the XD Side Twist Range (DOUBLE) for this. See more information at RacksBrax.com relating to the correct bracket for your roof rack.

NOTE: Read these instructions in conjunction with the instructions for the RacksBrax XD Hitch RB-INS-009 supplied with the RacksBrax XD Hitch. Some fasteners supplied with the XD Hitch are used in the attachment of the XD Destination Adaptors to the XD Hitch Holder. Fasteners supplied with the Destination D270 awning are used to attach the awning to the XD Destination Adaptor.

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