Awning Buyer’s Guide – how to care for your awning

Awning Buyer’s Guide – how to care for your awning

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Your awning is an investment ... so you need to make sure you look after it!

Now you have spent your hard-earned cash, there are a few matters to take care of to make the most of your new gear.

Correct fitting to your 4x4

Correct fitting of the awning, bracket and hitch combo to your roof rack is essential. If done incorrectly, this really can damage your vehicle’s roof structure as well as your awning. The larger the awning the greater the potential for damage so be careful, not sorry, and take heed of the instructions which come with your gear.

 save your 4x4 awning from damp


If your awning is packed away wet, or just damp, for long enough, it WILL go mouldy. Fact. Let’s face it, there are plenty of times when you have to pack up camp wet but the trick is to open that awning and dry it out at the first opportunity. It’s also a good idea to let the air through your awning even if it has not been erected in the rain but just if it has been rained on when folded and bagged. Some awning bags drain and breathe better than others!

save your 4x4 awning from sun



We all love some sun when we are out and about camping but the sun’s harsh UV rays are burning up that awning bag even when not in use on your vehicle. There has to be a better way! If an awning is left on a vehicle full-time it experiences the full brunt of the sun whenever your 4x4 is out and about. There is not much you can do when you are constantly using the awning when you’re are camping but when you have returned to base, removing the awning until the next trip is not a bad idea. RacksBrax’ quick release hitches are just the ticket and are outlined below.

Removing the awning when not on tour stops the awning burning up, fuel burning up and $$$ burning up!

save your 4x4 awning from wind rain and snow


Wind, Rain and Snow

These can be the enemies of your awning. With a few simple rules you can conquer the enemy! If it’s windy and your awning is unattended, restrain your awning. If it’s raining, you should drain your awning. If it’s snowing you should clear your awning … or consider if you need it up at all! Most awning brands come with some poles and guy ropes and pegs, or are available separately, for just this purpose … even “freestanding” ones. These three gifts of nature, if uncontrolled, can damage your awning.

save your 4x4 awning with racksbrax quick release


RacksBrax Quick Release Hitches #fastonfastoff no tools required AND locked on!

The use of the RacksBrax quick release hitches allows you to unlock and remove awnings from your 4x4 in seconds. You can store your awning on the wall in your garage using the RacksBrax Wall Mount kits so that you are ready for the next trip and then mount your awning back onto your4x4 when it’s time for adventure. Once the hitches have been fitted to your roof rack or roof bars and awning, replacing and removing your awning becomes a NO TOOLS task.

If you’d like to know which RacksBrax quick release hitches you need for a particular awning, head to our “Works With” page, where awnings and accessories are broken down by make and model for your convenience. Otherwise, shoot us an email at with your query and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

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